Antonis a.k.a. Tadobi

As I was growing up I used to observe how the people around me would excel in various aspects of Life, be it music, painting or sports. I could never see myself being exceptional in anything. Nevertheless, I kept it as a mental note as the years went by.

Music and Images (moving or not) always had a certain appeal to me and would constantly provide great company during my course in Life. A course that saw me both as a participant and an observer. A diversity right there but a characteristic of human nature none the less.

Eventually I managed to embrace this diversity and it provided an answer to that mental note of my childhood. You see, I was in need of an answer and neediness makes people humble.

Now you can understand why I cannot refer to myself in the 3rd person. Nor can I claim that photography is my Life or my passion.

Photography for me is a hint of an internal state during an external event. What that internal state consists of, is for you to decide. My work ends where yours begins...